Sqlite FTS using OR between match operators

When I execute the following query in sqlite engine (android or sqlitebrowser) it throws an exception that says unable to use function MATCH in the requested context


    tbl1_fts  as a,
    tbl2_fts  as b
    a.ID = b.ParentID and

        a.Body1 match('value') or
        b.Body2 match('value')


-Large tables have fts .
-Used operator And

between two matches (instead of OR


How can I fix this or change the query to find rows with the above condition?


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2 answers

you cannot use OR Operation, just change the Match keyword. like SELECT * FROM docs WHERE docs MATCH 'sqlite OR database';

OR perhaps you can use union

SELECT docid FROM docs WHERE docs MATCH 'sqlite AND database' UNION SELECT docid FROM docs WHERE docs MATCH 'library';



MATCH has two parameters as a function:

... WHERE match('value', SomeColumn) ...


However, the common way to use MATCH is with the operator:

... WHERE SomeColumn MATCH 'value' ...




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