How to set user as admin [rails]

I am trying to set a user as administrator and this is the code I have written so far:

app / controllers / users_controller.rb

class UsersController < ApplicationController

  before_action :admin_user,     only: [:destroy]
  def admin_user
    redirect_to(root_url) unless current_user && current_user.admin?



db /seeds.rb

User.create!(name:  "admin",
             surname: "admin",
             email: "",
             password:              "password",
             password_confirmation: "password",
             admin: true)


So when I create a user with these specs, it doesn't work either: by typing "localhost: 3000 / users" it redirects me to root_url, not the user page. Can anyone help me? what is wrong with this code? Thank you for your help!


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3 answers

OK, this is how I set up my admin:

  • migrate to add a logical admin table for users. it should look something like this.
class AddAdminToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    add_column :users, :admin, :boolean, default: false


  1. In the controller of the items you want to restrict as an administrator, write a method that looks something like this.
def require_admin
     if !current_user.admin?
           redirect_to benefits_path


  1. At the top of this controller, write your before_action file

  2. rails console user to switch one of the users from admin false to admin true

  3. check administrator rights



Please read the Rolify gem.

With this gem, you can define different roles for different users and validate users as roles are very easy too.



Use before_filter well if using rails3.

before_filter :admin_user,     only: [:index]




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