How can spring use https to request automatically?

I am implementing a web application using spring 3.2.8.RELEASE and tomcat 7.0.55.

I need spring to use https for some requests like '/ login', but not all requests.

The app works on http and https fine, but I want to filter out some request to run on https automatically.

How can I configure spring to do this?


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3 answers

You can customize this https by adding a require-channel-attribute to each intercept url.

For example:

<security:intercept-url pattern="/your_url" access="your_role" requires-channel="https"/>



Mandatory spring security mappings in web.xml:




I hope this works.



If your application supports both HTTP and HTTPS and you need certain URLs to be accessible only over HTTPS, then this is directly supported using the require-channel attribute:

    <intercept-url pattern="/secure/**" access="ROLE_USER" requires-channel="https"/>
    <intercept-url pattern="/**" access="ROLE_USER" requires-channel="any"/>




Spring uses a controller servlet for all of its internal url mapping. To avoid using this controller, change the URL mapping in the Web.xml file.

See a similar answer: Spring MVC URL Sample in web.xml?

OR have a look at the spring documentation on configuring "front controller" here: . It will also give you a good overview of how it works and fits together.

Good luck and let me know if you need more help!

BTW: I thought I would pick this for good measure. Here you can see that the display matches /example/...

. You can also configure this file type in your spring config file, but it all follows the same principle.





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