Why is self-naming legal in function definition but illegal meaning?

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) 3.5.2 introduces endless streams:

(define ones
  (cons-stream 1 ones))


This code does not work in DrRacket with the error:

units: undefined; cannot refer to an identifier before it is defined

Another code:

(define (integers-starting-from n)
  (cons-stream n
               (integers-starting-from (+ n 1))))

(define integers (integers-starting-from 1))


raises an error:

Interaction disabled

(falling in an endless loop?)

While I'm reading (SICP), the key to implementing an infinite stream is latency estimation:

(define (delay exp)
  (lambda () exp))

(define (cons-stream a b)
  (cons a
        (delay b)))


When used in an cons-stream

endless stream, it is still illegal.

Such a data structure reminds me of a recursive function, the definition of which self-engagement is legal (when compiled) within or without actual output.

Why is it illegal for the value to refer to itself? Even the link was delayed?

Can an endless stream be supported by another programming language?

If not, is it about how the processor handles assembly language? Data stack stuff?


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4 answers

When you do a procedure, the arguments are already evaluated when you run the procedure body. Thus, delay

it would not have done anything, since it was already calculated at this time. cons-stream

should be a macro.

DrRacket is not one language implementation. It is an IDE that supports many languages. One of them is the SICP compatibility language. I was able to run the code without error using this code in DrRacket:

#!planet neil/sicp

(define ones
  (cons-stream 1 ones))

(define (integers-starting-from n)
  (cons-stream n
               (integers-starting-from (+ n 1))))

(define integers (integers-starting-from 1))


It works like a charm. The default language in DrRacket, #!racket

, has also flows , but have different names:


(define ones
  (stream-cons 1 ones))

(define (integers-starting-from n)
  (stream-cons n
               (integers-starting-from (+ n 1))))

(define integers (integers-starting-from 1))


However, for the circuit, you have to use SRFI-41 which you can use from both #!racket

(using (require srfi/41)

) and #!r6rs

(and R7RS-large when done)

(import (rnrs)
        (srfi :41))

(define ones
  (stream-cons 1 ones))

(define (integers-starting-from n)
  (stream-cons n
               (integers-starting-from (+ n 1))))

(define integers (integers-starting-from 1))


To roll your own SICP streams to both in #!racket

and out #!r6rs

, you can usedefine-syntax

(define-syntax stream-cons 
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ a d) (cons a (delay d)))))


Note that the native RSFI-41 and rackets streaming library for #!racket

delays both values ​​in stream-cons

, not just as a tail like here in the SICP version.



This is because the expression is define

evaluated before the name is bound to the value. It tries to evaluate (cons-stream 1 ones)

before it is ones

defined, causing an error.

The reason this works great for functions is because the body of the function is not evaluated when the function is. That is, to evaluate (lambda (x) (f x))

, the language returns a function without looking at its body. As

(define (f x) (f x))


is syntactic sugar for defining a lambda, the same logic applies.

Did you define yourself cons-stream

as above? If you do a normal function cons-stream

, it won't work as expected. Since the default schema is strict, the arguments are evaluated before the function is called. If cons-stream

is a normal function, it b

will be fully evaluated before passing it to delay

, which will hit an infinite loop.


in SICP it is a "special form" and not a function, which means that it can control how its arguments are evaluated.

If you use operations stream-cons

and others stream-

built into Racket, you get the behavior you want.

Finally, some other languages ​​allow you to reference values. A great example is Haskell where this works because everything is lazy by default. Here's a Haskell snippet defining ones

an infinite list. (Since everything is lazy, Haskell lists behave exactly like Scheme streams):

ones = 1 : ones




This definition works in Racket:

(define ones
  (cons-stream 1 ones))


... While you provide the delayed implementation cons-stream

as a special form, which is the whole point of section 3.5 in the SICP:

(define-syntax cons-stream
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ head tail)
     (cons head (delay tail)))))




Add to the above answers to make sure the code is running, you should also define delay

like this:

(define-syntax delay
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ exp)
     (lambda () exp))))



and cons-stream

must also be defined as a macro.

Alternatively, you can simply call the delay

predefined one in Racket rather than create a new one.

But don't do this:

(define (delay exp)
  (lambda () exp))


The compiler will accept your definition, so the program will crash:

Interaction disabled



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