How to properly observe non-standard events?

I'm new to Reactive Extensions and I'm dealing with a COM library that has events defined like this:

public delegate void MyDelegate(int requestId, double price, int amount);
public event MyDelegate MyEvent;


How to observe it correctly? I tried to use Observable.FromEvent()

, but since the event parameters are not type-specific EventArgs

, I don't see how FromEvent()

or would work FromEventPattern()


My current workaround is to attach a custom delegate to the event, then call Subject.OnNext()

, but I guess that's not how I should be doing it.

Here's an example of my current workaround:

        MyEvent += new MyDelegate((int requestId, double price, int amount) =>
            Task.Run(() =>
                var args = new MyArgs()
                    requestId = requestId,
                    price = price,
                    amount = amount,



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1 answer

There is a special overload for it FromEvent

. It's a bit dumb to put your head down, but the function signature looks like this:

IObservable<TEventArgs> FromEvent<TDelegate, TEventArgs>(Func<Action<TEventArgs>, TDelegate> conversion, 
                                                         Action<TDelegate> addHandler, 
                                                         Action<TDelegate> removeHandler);


The conversion function is the important part here, basically you are telling Rx how your delegate maps to a specific type.

In your script, it looks something like this:

Observable.FromEvent<MyDelegate, MyArgs>(
  converter => new MyDelegate(
                  (id, price, amount) => converter(new MyArgs { 
                                                        RequestId = id, 
                                                        Price = price, 
                                                        Amount = amount
  handler => MyEvent += handler,
  handler => MyEvent -= handler);


So what does it all do? Internally, it is similar to what you are doing (I will paraphrase what it does conceptually, since the implementation is a little more complicated). When a new subscription is made, the conversion function will be called with observer.OnNext

passed as an argument converter

. This lambda will return a new instance MyDelegate

that wraps the transform function we provided ( (id, price, amount) => ...

). This is what is then passed to the method handler => MyEvent += handler


After that, every time the event fires, it will call our lambda method and convert the passed arguments into an instance MyArgs

, which is then delivered to converter

/ observer.OnNext


On top of all this magic, it also takes care of clearing the event handlers when you're done with it, gracefully handing exceptions downstream and managing memory overhead by sharing a single event handler across multiple observers.




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