You have to specify a query parameter when trying to curl Neo4j

I am getting this error message:

You have to provide the 'query' parameter ...


when i try to use Neo4j

rest api. I do this via curl


$ curl 'http://neo4j:root@' -d '
     "query": "START n=node(*) RETURN distinct labels(n)", "params":{}


If, however, I run the same query programmatically using the same library in Python

, then that's ok - I get some results back. So what else do I have to point out to get my team to curl



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1 answer

The Neo server expects a content type application/json

that can be specified by default in your client, but not in cURL. Specifying the content type directly with a parameter -H

in cURL should work, something like

$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' \    
  'http://neo4j:root@' -d '
     "query": "START n=node(*) RETURN distinct labels(n)", "params":{}


On my machine:

[~/apps/neo]$ curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json'     'http://neo4j:root@' -d '
     "query": "START n=node(*) RETURN distinct labels(n)", "params":{}
  "columns" : [ "labels(n)" ],
  "data" : [ [ [ "Movie" ] ], [ [ "Person" ] ], [ [ "PublicDomain" ] ] ]


Without the content type header, I see the same error.

Interestingly, as you noted in the comments, you can invoke this request without an option -X POST

in cURL. This works due to the presence of a parameter -d

that forces the POST method.



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