SpriteKit moves physics with applyImpulse

I want to move a physical element with applyImpulse method in a direction based on the rotation of the physibody.

For example, a physical body is square in shape, I call "motion", which will apply momentum to make it move upward vertically. Then I call the method to rotate the physics 45 degrees to the right. If I call the "move" method again, the physics moves diagonally to the right and up.

Can anyone please help?


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2 answers

I suggest that you follow Sprite Kits' coordinating and rotational conventions. Specifically, your sprite image should be rotated straight to zero (the default), and a positive value should rotate counterclockwise. However, here's one way to apply momentum in the direction the sprite is facing:

// Specify the force to apply to the SKPhysicsBody
CGFloat r = 5;

// Create a vector in the direction the sprite is facing
CGFloat dx = r * cos (sprite.zRotation);
CGFloat dy = r * sin (sprite.zRotation);

// Apply impulse to physics body
[sprite.physicsBody applyImpulse:CGVectorMake(dx,dy)];





Fixed with below, thanks to @ 0x141E

-(void)characterJump {

    CGFloat radianFactor = 0.0174532925;
    CGFloat rotationInDegrees = _body.zRotation / radianFactor;
    CGFloat newRotationDegrees = rotationInDegrees + 90;
    CGFloat newRotationRadians = newRotationDegrees * radianFactor;

    CGFloat r = 500;

    CGFloat dx = r * cos(newRotationRadians);
    CGFloat dy = r * sin(newRotationRadians);

    [_body.physicsBody applyImpulse:CGVectorMake(dx, dy)];




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