What's the best way to insert a record between two sequential lines?

I have a simple sequential table like:

  ID   | Name | Rank
  327  | Ali  | 1
  846  | Sara | 2
  657  | Dani | 3



is the primary key and is indexed as well as indexed Rank

. I have pairs of these records, and I want to insert a record between the records of this table SQL Server

, since it keeps its sequences without breaking the ranking.

for example i am inserting Sahar

into the above table with rank 2, this results in large ranks offset, so:

  ID   | Name | Rank
  327  | Ali  | 1
  196  | Sahar| 2     ----> Inserted
  846  | Sara | 3
  657  | Dani | 4


I searched and I found some solution, for example:

UPDATE TABLE table SET Rank += 1 WHERE Rank >= 2;
INSERT INTO TABLE (Rank, ...) VALUES (2, ...);


This, or another approach, may be this answer . and some of the other answers I have found, but they all have high operating costs.

Also I need to change some Ranks

or replace two Ranks

like this.

On the other hand, I must do this at UPDATE

, Delete

and Insert


or whenever you recommend.

  • Is there a mechanism, like identity(1,1)

    another built-in service SQL Server

    , that addresses this problem?
  • If not, what is the best approach in terms of performance of this (the answer should have a good explanation of the place of implementation (trigger or ...), indexing issue, and also the table definition needs to be changed)



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2 answers

If your table has N

rows Rank

from 1

to N

, and you are inserting a new row from Rank=2

, then you will need to UPDATE

(i.e. change) the values ​​in the N-2

rows. You will have to write a lot of changes to the table. I'm afraid there is no magic way to speed it up.

If you really need to upgrade Rank

, that is.

But maybe you don't really need to have Rank

as an integer with no spaces.

The real goal Rank

is to define a certain order of the lines. To determine the order, you need to know which line appears after each line. So when the user says he wants to add Sahar

with a rank 2

, it really means he Sahar

should go after Ali

but before Sara

, so the rank of new lines can be set to, say (1+2)/2 = 1.5


So, if you do a Rank

float, you can insert new rows in the middle of the table without changing the values ​​of Rank

all other rows.

If you want to present to the Rank

user as a sequence of integers without spaces, use something like:

ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY FloatRank) AS IntegerRankWithoutGaps


Also, if you delete a row, you also don't need to update all the rows in the table. The stored value FloatRank

will have a space, but it will disappear when applied ROW_NUMBER


Technically, you cannot continue to split 8 byte byte intervals in half infinitely, so from time to time you must run a maintenance routine that "normalizes" your floating point series and updates all rows in the table. But at least this expensive procedure can be performed infrequently and with minimal system load.

Also, you can start with float values, not 1

but further. For example, 1, 2, 3, 4...

start with 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, ...




The easiest and most transparent way is to add a column where you define the sequence of rows in your table and create a clustered index on that column. This index will store the data the way you want.



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