Getting 403 Forbidden on user_timeline but not on any other API

Using the auth API

  var oauth2 = new OAuth2('Consumer Key', 'Consumer Secret', '', null, 'oauth2/token', null);
  oauth2.getOAuthAccessToken('', 'grant_type': 'client_credentials' }, function (e, access_token) {

      console.log(access_token); //string that we can use to authenticate request

      requestURL = {
          url: '' + userid,
          headers: {
              Authorization: 'Bearer ' + access_token

request(URL, function(error, response, body){ 
    console.log(body); }


With this code I am getting 403 Forbidden, but with the same code on other APIs like search / tweets, it works great. What am I missing here? And no, the user is not private.


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1 answer

You have an error in the url you are calling. It should be:

url: '' + userid,




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