What is the difference between De Castel's algorithm and Bernstein's polynomial?

What does the De Castellau algorithm say that the Bernstein polynomial does not say, or vice versa?

Why do we need De Castelau's algorithm if we know the Bernstein polynomial?

Are they different or the same?


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3 answers

The short answer is one analytical expression, the other a geometric algorithm. So you probably meant "What's the difference between drawing a Bezier curve using De Castelau's algorithm and just calculating the Bernstein polynomial?"

The short answer to this is: on a perfect computer, there is no difference. These are two seemingly different ways to achieve the same result. You use whatever is easier to use in the context in which you need them.

Long answer: you can work out the math and see that the Berstein polynomial can be expressed as a nested sequence of linear interpolations. This expression and its geometric interpretation are called the De Castellau algorithm. On most hardware, the evaluation speed is the t

same for a given one . Although both approaches have rounding errors (due to IEEE floating point numbers), the polynomial solution generates different rounding errors than the geometric expression solution. However, this is noticeably worse than the other.

So, to answer "Why do we need De Castelau's algorithm if we know the Bernstein polynomial?": No "we". There is only "you", according to individual assessment. Check out which is the most accurate and fastest, and then you use that for your specific use case.

Of course, sometimes it makes a lot of difference. For example, a CnC machine cannot estimate polynomials of order 3 or higher, but it can trivially perform a sequence of linear interpolations. So ... again, context. You make a challenge, nobody else.

Of course, in terms of explaining Bezier curves, there is a huge difference. Geometric interpretation is very easy to obtain, whereas analytical interpretation requires an understanding of high school calculus. So, again, context.


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The results of De Castelau's algorithm are identical using Bernstein polynomials. But because the approaches are different, they can make analyzing the results easier or more difficult.

Also, De Casteljau's algorithm appears to be slightly more numerically robust https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Casteljau%27s_algorithm

The geometric interpretation of the algorithm lends itself to learning concepts without having to enter many characters.


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They represent a different approach to the same problem, de Castellau is kind of a layman's approach, you can even draw a Bezier curve with a ruler and pencil and it is not a mathematical function (as a side effect, you cannot analyze it)

Have a look at this great tutorial on Animated Bezier Curves (and explained by De Casteljau): http://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo/


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