C # WPF DataGrid ScrollIntoView not working with touch

I am trying to scroll to the last selected item in WPF DataGrid

in an event Loaded

. DataGrid

located in Tab

. Everything works when I test it in a normal Windows environment. But as soon as I touch the TabPage on the tablet instead of pressing it, it doesn't scroll to my last selected item. This is my code:

private void dataGrid_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    var currentItem = dataGrid.SelectedItem;

    dataGrid.ItemsSource = sh.GetDataTable(<SQL Select statement>).DefaultView;

    if (!(currentItem == null))


I also tried the solution I found here , but it didn't work.


For testing purposes, I removed the event completely dataGrid_Loaded

. Now I only load data DataGrid

at the beginning of the program. Even now, it retains the scroll position when I switch between tabs with mouse clicks, but not touch! Is this a bug in the .NET Framework?


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1 answer

With the help of the MSDN community, I was able to resolve the issue.

I needed to scroll to the end DataGrid

, do UpdateLayout()

and then scroll to Item

which I want. Also, I can't just install ItemsSource

every time because the previously saved Item

one was not valid Item

for DataGrid


So my method dataGrid_Loaded

looks like this:

private void dataGrid_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    object currentPos = dataGrid.SelectedItem;

    if (dataGrid.ItemsSource == null)
        dataGrid.ItemsSource = sh.GetDataTable("<SQL query>").DefaultView;

    if (currentPos != null)
        dataGrid.ScrollIntoView(dataGrid.Items[dataGrid.Items.Count - 1]);


I hope this helps someone else who has the same problem.

For reference here is my German MSDN thread which solved my problem.



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