Row selection data. Tabular rails. How to get a list of ids of the selected rows.

Hello I am new to ruby โ€‹โ€‹on rails and javascript and I want to use dataTable to select multiple rows in my table. Then I would like to have a list of all the selected row ids.

I was able to select multiple rows thanks to the code available on the dataTable website. This is the code:

$(document).ready(function() {

  var selected =[];

    "rowCallback": function(row,data){
      if($.inArray(data.DT_RowId, selected) !==-1){

  $('#assureur tbody').on('click', 'tr', function(){
    var id =;
    var index = $.inArray(id, selected);

    if( index === -1){
    } else {



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However, I don't understand how to get the list of selected rows.

I have searched the internet but I don't understand how their code works. They talk about using TableTool and fnGetSelected , but I don't know how to use it.

I've read about alert , but I don't want to show the alert. I would prefer to have an array with all the selected row ids in order to use that array later. p>

Then how can I use this array no longer with javascript, but with the Ruby language? I read about using Ajax or using a hidden field tag and then fetching the parameters from the controller ... but how does this work? What do I need to overlay on the controller to get the $ var defined in my javascript?

thanks for the help


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1 answer

You can use Jquery call:

var $yourVar = $("#assureur").find('tbody tr.selected');




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