Update variable value inside template - django

I've seen enough examples that allow me to declare a new variable inside a template and set its value. But I want to update the value of a specific variable inside the template.

For example, I have a datetime field for an object and I want to add the timezone as per request.user

from the template. So I will create template filter

how {% add_timezone object.created %}

and what it will do is that it will add the timezone to object.created

, and after that when I access it {{object.created}}

, it will give me the updated value.

Can anyone tell me how this can be done. I know that I need to update the variable context

from the template filter. But I don’t know how.


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1 answer

You cannot change the value in the template, but you can define "scope" variables using the tag {% with %}


{% with created=object.created|add_timezone %}
    Date created with fixed timezone: {{ created }}
{% endwith %}


where add_timezone

is a simple filter:

def add_timezone(value):
    adjusted_tz = ...
    return adjusted_tz

register.filter('add_timezone', add_timezone)




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