How to write Javascript code efficiently

I have a game where every time the user types 5, 10 or 15, he adds a new enemy. The numbers that I randomly chose and intend to change later.

I managed to figure out how to add new enemies every time the player reaches one of these points, but I have to make a new boolean variable for each new point. How can I write this same code in a smarter way without a lot of gates?


var addEnemyAt5= true; //boolean I have to create over and over
var addEnemyAt10 = true;
var addEnemyAt15 = true;
var score = 0;

if (score == 5 && enemyScore5) {
  console.log("new enemy at 5");
  addEnemyAt5 = false;

} else if (score == 10 && enemyScore10) {
  console.log("new enemy at 10");
  addEnemyAt10 = false;

} else if (score == 15 && enemyScore15) {
  console.log("new enemy at 15");
  addEnemyAt15 = false;



this.scoreUpdate = function() {
  score += 5;



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3 answers

You can create a variable lastScore

to track changes in score



var lastScore = 0
var score = 0

if (score > lastScore) {
  if (score === 5) {
    console.log("new enemy at 5")
  } else if (score === 10) {
    console.log("new enemy at 10")
  } else if (score === 15) {
    console.log("new enemy at 15")
  lastScore = score



this.scoreUpdate = function() {
  score += 5


Demo snippet:

var lastScore = 0
var score = 0

setInterval(function SketchDotJS() {

  if (score > lastScore) {
    if (score === 5) {
      console.log("new enemy at 5")
    } else if (score === 10) {
      console.log("new enemy at 10")
    } else if (score === 15) {
      console.log("new enemy at 15")
    lastScore = score

}, 10)

;(function HUDDotJS() {

  this.scoreUpdate = function() {
    score += 5


<!-- Boilerplate code to get the demo to work -->
<button onclick="scoreUpdate()">Increase <var>score</var> by 5</button>
<pre><var>score</var> = <span id="score">0</span></pre>

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Try maybe:

createEnemyAtScore = {
    5: true,
    10: true,
    15: true
var score = 10;

if (createEnemyAtScore[score]) {
    // create your enemy... or whatever..


but I would suggest moving this CodeReview question



You can organize a topic into an object

var milestoneMet = {
    5: false,
    10: false,
    15: false

// for each milestone, check and set milestoneMet




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