Prevent WCF Service Host from starting automatically in Visual Studio 2017

I'm currently working on a solution with multiple WCF projects. Start WCF Service Host while debugging another project in the same solution . Everything worked fine in Visual Studio 2015 and below - no automatic WCF Service Host start.

Since the transition to Visual Studio 2017 , WCF projects start anyway. Not every time, but sometimes. This is time consuming and expensive - sometimes several minutes. Ive checked the WCF settings - the checkbox to automatically start WCF Service Host is still not selected.

How can I disable this random auto-start WCF Service Host in Visual Studio 2017 ?


This was a bug and is now fixed in an upcoming release. See Bug status here (fixed - pending release).


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1 answer

We had the same problem as soon as we upgraded from Visual Studio 2015 to Visual Studio 2017 - WcfSvcHost will start, even though Visual Studio won't. We found the answer at / ... : we had to unload each WCF service project and edit each project manually by removing the GUID {3D9AD99F-2412-4246-B90B-4EAA41C64699}

from <ProjectTypeGuids>

node. Once we have done that, we no longer get the annoying WcfSvcHost launch. A consequence of this change is that the WCF Options settings menu no longer appears in the project properties, but that is not important to us.



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