How to unit test Microsoft bot dialog with prompt

I am using Microsoft Bot Framework and I am trying to unit test (in isolation) a dialog that I have:

public class MyDialog : IDialog
    public async Task StartAsync(IDialogContext context)
        PromptDialog.Confirm(context, MessageReceived, "Are you sure?", "Sorry what was that?");

    private async Task MessageReceived(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<bool> result)
        bool isSure = await result;
        string response = isSure ? "Awesome" : "Sorry";
        IMessageActivity messageActivity = context.MakeMessage();
        messageActivity.Text = response;
        await context.PostAsync(messageActivity);


I want to prove that if the returned IA result comes in as true it responds with "Awesome", and if its false its "Sorry".

PromptDialog is a class with a static method Validate

I have checked modules dialogs before successfully using moq to mock the IMessageActivity and IDialogContext being passed to the dialog. It seems more complicated because I want to mock the state of the dialog.


public class Tests
    private Mock<IDialogContext> _dialogContext;
    private Mock<IMessageActivity> _messageActivity;
    private MyDialog _myDialog;

    public void Setup()
        _dialogContext = new Mock<IDialogContext>();
        _messageActivity = new Mock<IMessageActivity>();
        _dialogContext.SetupSequence(x => x.MakeMessage())

        _myDialog = new MyDialog();

    public void GivenTrue_WhenIConfirmPrompt_ThenAwesome()

        Assert.That(_messageActivity.Object.Text, Is.EqualTo("Awesome"));

    public void GivenTrue_WhenIRejectPrompt_ThenSorry()

        Assert.That(_messageActivity.Object.Text, Is.EqualTo("Sorry"));


Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on how to do this?


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1 answer

A good source for understanding how using unit tests dialog boxes is the Microsoft.Bot.Sample.Tests project from the BotBuilder GitHub repository .

There you will find the way the Bot Framework team runs unit tests. EchoBotTests are the easiest to start with. It shows how to send a message to a bot and get a response to it using a mocked factory connector.

The key is to inherit from DialogTestBase , which provides very useful helper methods.



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