Efficient way to export 10 datasets (each with 80 tables) from bigquery to google storage?

I have 10 datasets in BigQuery and each dataset contains 80 tables. I know that I can export every table to every dataset one by one to google store using console or web interface. This is for backup. However, this will take some time.

I wonder if there is a more convenient way to handle this?


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1 answer

You can do this using the command line tools bq

( https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/bq-command-line-tool )

The following code will help you achieve the same:


# get list of tables
tables=$(bq ls "$project:$dataset" | awk '{print $1}' | tail +3)

for table in $tables
    bq extract --destination_format "CSV" --compression "GZIP" "$project:$dataset.$table" "gs://$bucket/$table/$table.csv.gz" 


Also, if you want to run the command in mode async

, replace the extract command with the following

    bq --nosync extract --destination_format "CSV" --compression "GZIP" "$project:$dataset.$table" "gs://$bucket/$table/$table.csv.gz" 



  • Make sure the command line tools are bq

    installed and located in your environment. It comes with google cloud SDK

    . To check that you can runbq help



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