VueJS + VeeValidator + Multiple fields

  • VueJs: 2.2.2
  • Vee-Validate: 2.0.0-beta.25


I'm wondering if there is a way to have a unique validator for multiple fields?

Typically an address form with 1 input on the street, 1 for a number and 1 for a city

I want to do a check for a combination of all elements.

I have read the documentation but cannot find an example that could help me.


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1 answer

You can apply a custom validator to a custom component containing all the fields you want to validate together. For example, you can create a component location

(using location

instead address

because it address

is an HTML5 element and you cannot name a Vue component the same as an existing HTML element).

Vue.component("location", {
  template: "#location-template",
    return {
      location: this.value
      this.$emit('input', Object.assign({}, this.location))


Then you can create a validator for this component.

const locationValidator = {
  currentLocation: null,
  getMessage(field, args) {
    if (!this.currentLocation.street)
      return "Location requires a street";
    if (!this.currentLocation.street_number)
      return "Location requires a street_number";
    if (!
      return "Location requires a city";
  validate(location, args) {
    this.currentLocation = location;

    if (!location.street || !location.street_number || !
      return false;

    return true


Finally, you can bundle this into your Vue.

new Vue({
    loc: {}
    this.$validator.extend("location", locationValidator)


And your Vue template

<span v-show="errors.has('location')" style="color:red">{{ errors.first('location') }}</span>
<location v-validate="'location'" v-model="loc" data-vv-name="location"></location>


Here's an example .



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