How to swap between 3 or more classes in Angular targeting only the element that is clicked?

I would like the element to switch between 3 CSS classes when clicked. I have seen other solutions that work when only 2 classes are switched like this one . They are based on true and false conditions, so they won't work for more than 2 grades.

I got it to be swapped between 3 classes, however, clicks on targets all items instead of clicking one item. Here's my code so far : `

$scope.iconClass = "green";

$scope.iconClicked = function () {
    switch ($scope.iconClass) {
        case "green":
            $scope.iconClass = "red";
        case "red":
            $scope.iconClass = "blue";
            $scope.iconClass = "green";


And the html is here: `

<li class="item" ng-class="iconClass" ng-click="iconClicked()"> Item 1 <br> </li> 
<li class="item" ng-class="iconClass" ng-click="iconClicked()"> Item 2 <br> </li>
<li class="item" ng-class="iconClass" ng-click="iconClicked()"> Item 3 <br> </li>



How can I do this without creating a different iconClass variable for every other element ? I'm sure there is a simple, elegant solution for this.


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3 answers


supports adding multiple classes based on boolean expressions using scope variables.

class = "ng-class: expression;"

Expression for eval. The evaluation result can be a string representing whitespace-delimited class names, an array, or a map of class names for boolean values.

You can achieve this with ng-class="{'red':'iconclass == red', 'blue':'iconClass == blue'}"

You can use the SWAP button to change the colors that you are looking for.

An example example can be found here:



Don't know if this will fit your requirement, but you can create an array and loop through it using a directive ng-repeat

like this

<li class="item" ng-repeat="item in items track by $index" ng-class="item.class" ng-click="iconClicked(item)"> {{}} <br> </li> 


area items


$scope.items = [{"name":"Item 1","class":"black"},{"name":"Item 1","class":"black"},{"name":"Item 1","class":"black"}]


additional css class.

  color: black;


change onclick function like this

$scope.iconClicked = function (item) {
        $scope.items =  ${          
          o.class = "black"
          return o;
        } ) 
         item.class = "red";


Please note that the color will be highlighted in red and others will be black




I had to create a custom scoped directive for this to happen.

Does anyone know a better idea? It would be more than nice.

Here's the new code

function ListItem() {
  var ddo = {
    template: '<li class="item" ng-class="iconClass" ng-click="iconClicked()"> Item 1 (isolate) <br> </li>',
    scope: {
      items: '<'
    controller: 'MyController'
  return ddo;




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