Excel formula IF a specific day of the week then add "x" number of days
I am having a hard time figuring out how to write the formula for the following scenario. I need to calculate a date based on another column, but you need to add days based on the day of the week of the original column.
If day of week equals 'Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat' then add 5 days.
If day of week equals 'Tue' then add 6 days.
If day of week equals 'Thur" then add 4 days.
For example,
Column A Column B
3/11/17 (Show date based on above scenario)
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1 answer
Use Select:
So a weekday (A1,2) converts a weekday to its week position starting with Monday 1st, and Sunday is 7th.
The numbers are the number of days to add per day.
It then adds the selected day to the date.
Scott craner
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