DbFunctions.DiffDays () results in: This function can only be called from LINQ to Entities

Where results1

is this IQuerable<myObject>

, which works great until you try to filter by date:

results1 = results1.Where(l => DbFunctions.DiffDays(FromDate, l.LeadDate) >= 0);


And then I get this error:

This function can only be called from LINQ to Entities

I've seen several other threads here that bring me closer to an answer like this one , but it's just different from the fact that I'm not sure how to reformulate this filter so that it doesn't try and do it in memory (so I think the error is happening?)


The query was too complex to make it work in Linq. I thought it would be the same thing, but maybe not?

var query1 = @"
        // columns that match the object 'myObject'
         // a whole bunch of joins and left joins
 var results1 = Context.DbContext.Database.SqlQuery<myObject>(query1).AsQueryable();



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2 answers

Can you use DateTime.Subtract

and TimeSpan.Days


results1 = results1.Where(l => FromDate.Subtract(l.LeadDate).Days >= 0).ToList();




Since you are using a raw SQL query (i.e. using SqlQuery

), the result is a materialized dataset. This means that the request has already been submitted to the data store and the data has been submitted as DbRawSqlQuery<>

. This is not the same kind of interface you can use as you usually extend the EF request.

You can either add to the raw SQL query, use a method from the .NET Framework, or write your own.



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