ReactJS - Redux form - how to conditionally show / hide an element based on a Radio Field element?

I am relatively new to Redux and I have a form that has "Yes" or "No" radio inputs. Basically, I want to conditionally show another element that contains a different reduction form field based on this radio input selection. Is there a direct way to do this?

I am trying to just check the value formProps.site_visit

, but I am getting an undefined error. For the record, I've greatly reduced the amount of code in this component for the sake of brevity.

export class RequestForm extends React.Component {

submit(formProps) {

   const request = {
      square_footage: formProps.get('square_footage'),
      site_visit: formProps.get('site_visit'),


// Redux Form Props.
    const { handleSubmit, pristine, reset, submitting } = this.props
    return (
      <form className="page-form__wrapper">
        <div className="page-form__block">
          <div className="page-form__block">
            <p> Is a site visit required to complete this request? </p>
            <Field name="site_visit"
              <RadioButton value="true" label="Yes" />
              <RadioButton value="false" label="No" />
          {this.formProps.site_visit === true &&
            <div className="page-form__block">
              <p> Estimate the total area of work in square feet </p>
              <Field name="square_footage" component={TextField} hintText="Square Feet" />


Thanks in advance!


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1 answer

You will need formValueSelector

const selector = formValueSelector('formName');

function mapStateToProps(state, props) {
    const isChecked = selector(state, 'checkboxField');
    return { isChecked };



through mapStateToProps

the rendering method will look like this.

render() {
    return (
        { this.props.isChecked && (
                this only shows up if the checkboxField Field is checked
        ) }



it looks like you are using reselect

- I have never used createStructuredSelector

and I do not understand 100% of the documentation, but a possible solution could be:

const mMapStateToProps = createStructuredSelector({
    request: selectRequestForm(), 
    user: selectUser()

const mapStateToProps = (state, props) => {
    return {
        isChecked: selector(state, 'checkboxField'),
        ... mMapStateToProps(state, props) // not sure if createStructuredSelector accepts a props param


which will make up these two. I think you could also use createSelector

with mMapStateToProps

and mapStateToProps

, which I originally posted ...



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