Daylight controller support for android vr app built with android studio

I am using Android Studio to create android vr application using google DayDream android vr sdk. I want my users to be able to interact with the vr environment with their controllers that come with the vr headset.

But when I looked at the official documentation, I noticed that controller support is only available for Unity and Unreal. So I am wondering if I can show the controller model and its laser rendering with Android-sdk only. Link to information on controller support for Unity and Unreal

If not, is it recommended to use Unity to develop Android vr apps.


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1 answer

I would recommend using the shoulder version of the model that is included with Unreal. The shoulder model is not related to Unreal code, so you can integrate it into your application. If you are currently only writing a java application, you will need to use the android NDK. Alternatively, you can look at porting your code to Java.

The shoulder model will give you the position / orientation for the controller. If you do, you still have to render the controller and laser in your application. You can pull art assets from Unreal or Unity to do this.

Daydream development in Unity is fully supported, but you will need to decide which one is best for your needs based on what type of development environment you prefer.



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