Python 3.6 - Resize Tkinter buttons to fit border

I've been looking back on stack overflow for years now trying to find an answer to this question, but I just can't get anything to work, so I ask this question. I have a small program with three buttons and a label, and they are in a grid. I was wondering how regardless of size or shape, the button and label will stay the same relative to the border. Likewise, if I resize the image, everything stays the same size.

Here is my code:

from tkinter import *

class Window(Frame): #All the stuff for the GUI
   def __init__(self, master = None):
      Frame.__init__(self, master)
      self.master = master

   def init_window(self):
      self.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = 1)

      quitButton = Button(self, text = "Quit", command = self.client_exit, width = 10, height = 5) #Quit Button
      quitButton.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = W)

      encryptModeButton = Button(self, text = "Encrypt", command = lambda: self.execute("decrypted.txt", "encrypted.txt", 1, 0), width = 10, height = 5) #Encrypt Button
      encryptModeButton.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = W)

      decryptModeButton = Button(self, text = "Decrypt", command = lambda: self.execute("encrypted.txt", "decrypted.txt", 0, 1), width = 10, height = 5) #Decrypt button
      decryptModeButton.grid(row = 0, column = 2, sticky = W)

      myLabel = Label(self, text = "Select The Action You Wish To Undertake", font = ("Purisa", 15))
      myLabel.grid(row = 0, column = 3) 
root = Tk()

app = Window(root)   


Sorry if the answer is obvious, I've already tried pack()


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1 answer

There is a good tutorial for a mesh wrapper in there . Just scroll to Handle Resize and you will notice how to use the option sticky

and customize the weight

column / row pairs.

So try your example with a packer grid


from tkinter import *

class Window(Frame): #All the stuff for the GUI
   def __init__(self, master = None):
      Frame.__init__(self, master)
      self.master = master
      self.master.minsize(width=650, height=80)
      self.configure(relief=RAISED, borderwidth=10)
      self.grid(sticky = NSEW)

   def init_window(self):
      # configure weights; note: that action need for each container!
      self.master.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
      self.master.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
      self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
      for i in range(4):
        self.columnconfigure(i, weight=1)

      quitButton = Button(self, text = "Quit", width = 10, height = 5) #Quit Button
      quitButton.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = NSEW)

      encryptModeButton = Button(self, text = "Encrypt", width = 10, height = 5) #Encrypt Button
      encryptModeButton.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = NSEW)

      decryptModeButton = Button(self, text = "Decrypt", width = 10, height = 5) #Decrypt button
      decryptModeButton.grid(row = 0, column = 2, sticky = NSEW)

      myLabel = Label(self, text = "Select The Action You Wish To Undertake", font = ("Purisa", 15))
      myLabel.grid(row = 0, column = 3, sticky = NSEW)

root = Tk()

app = Window(root)


As you can see - I just added sticky=NSEW

and columnconfigure

/ rowconfigure

and it seems to work as you wish! The downside is the need to customize each container!

But here, in the manager pack

, there are more intuitive roles that fulfill the same parameters - fill

and expand


from tkinter import *

class Window(Frame): #All the stuff for the GUI
   def __init__(self, master = None):
      Frame.__init__(self, master)
      self.master = master
      self.master.minsize(width=650, height=80)
      self.configure(relief=RAISED, borderwidth=10)
      self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True)

   def init_window(self):

      quitButton = Button(self, text = "Quit", width = 10, height = 5) #Quit Button
      quitButton.pack(fill=BOTH, side=LEFT, expand=True)

      encryptModeButton = Button(self, text = "Encrypt", width = 10, height = 5) #Encrypt Button
      encryptModeButton.pack(fill=BOTH, side=LEFT, expand=True)

      decryptModeButton = Button(self, text = "Decrypt", width = 10, height = 5) #Decrypt button
      decryptModeButton.pack(fill=BOTH, side=LEFT, expand=True)

      myLabel = Label(self, text = "Select The Action You Wish To Undertake", font = ("Purisa", 15))
      myLabel.pack(fill=BOTH, side=LEFT, expand=True)

root = Tk()

app = Window(root)


What to use is your choice! And there is a nice topic about resizing, gridding and packing! Take a look

Some other useful links:



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