Read-Host timeout in Powershell
On the command line, I would add the following to the iterated loop:
choice /c:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 /n /t:1 /d:0
sleep 1
In Unix, I would use: read -t 5 $input
Does anyone know a way to do this in Powershell? Right now, I'm just waiting for it (last line below).
I have set up my script to switch between TV and PC for my wife. I am typing before and after my wife and I would like to get around this for myself.
Here is my current script for context:
$file_location = "C:\Users\krmar_000\Documents\audio.out"
$current = gc $file_location
Write-Host "Current Audio output: " -ForegroundColor White -NoNewline
Write-Host $current -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "Changing..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
if ( $current -eq "Speakers" )
nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 0
nircmd.exe setsysvolume 65535
nircmd.exe setdefaultsounddevice "AMD HDMI Output"
"AMD HDMI Output" | Out-File -filepath $file_location
# [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("TV Speakers enabled","Speaker Flip")
Write-Host "TV Speakers enabled" -ForegroundColor Green
elseif ( $current -eq "AMD HDMI Output" )
nircmd.exe mutesysvolume 0
nircmd.exe setsysvolume 52428
nircmd.exe setdefaultsounddevice "Headset"
"Speakers" | Out-File -filepath $file_location
# [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Headset Speakers enabled","Speaker Flip")
Write-Host "Headset Speakers enabled" -ForegroundColor Green
nircmd.exe setdefaultsounddevice "Speakers"
"Speakers" | Out-File -filepath $file_location
# [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Headset Speakers enabled","Speaker Flip")
Write-Host "Headset Speakers enabled" -ForegroundColor Green
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
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1 answer
It's not really a hoax of the linked answer, but it's pretty close. Full function here (based on it equally) for convenience:
function Read-HostWithDelay {
param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][int]$Delay, [string]$Prompt, [Switch]$AsSecureString)
[int]$CSecDelayed = 0
do {
[bool]$BReady = $host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable
} while (!$BReady -and ($CSecDelayed++ -lt $Delay))
if ($BReady -and $Prompt) { Read-Host $Prompt -AsSecureString:$AsSecureString }
# No, Read-Host will not in fact handle null parameter binding (-Prompt:$Prompt) properly. Who knows why not.
elseif ($BReady) { Read-Host -AsSecureString:$AsSecureString }
Tested and that's good too, as it turned out to be just a touch less trivial than I honestly expected.
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