WatchOS3 bitcode - how to generate

I am trying to download watchOS3 app in Apple Store however I got rejection (from apple) like below

Invalid Executable - the executable file 'someWatch Extension' does not contain bitcode. Once these issues are fixed, you can re-add the corrected binary.

How can I solve this? It looks like the bitcode is required as there are no more build settings for the clock app in Xcode, just "Enable bitcode = no".

I also tried to run swiftc -embed-bitcode *.swift

Watch Extensions in my directory, but I got below

MyController.swift:9:8: error: no such module 'WatchKit' import WatchKit

I really don't understand what to do next and UBER was disappointed with the lack of documentation for watchOS3 to get around this. PLEASE, HELP


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1 answer

For me the problem was that it ENABLE_BITCODE=NO

was set at the project level and even though Watch did not install it and had to be taken to YES, which is the default for WatchOS, it is still allowed NO - due to the inherited value from the project.

To solve the problem, I removed the value ENABLE_BITCODE

at the project level. (to do this, select it in the build settings of the project and press the delete button on your keyboard to make the text lose its boldness).



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