Setting white space for "nowrap" for an item on a page, ruins of fixed positioning in mobile browsers

The steps to replicate this issue are a bit cumbersome, but for those who care, please help me solve this mystery.

Try it out with any of the boot themes. For example

In Google Chrome Inspector, switch the device to view it in mobile mode. The navbar remains docked to the top when it is scrolled. This is as expected. the navigation bar remains fixed when scrolling the page

However, set some css paragraph as {white-space: "nowrap"}. The navbar is no longer docked, but scrolls with the rest of the page.

the navigation bar scrolls off the page

It took me a while to identify this unsuspecting criminal. Does anyone know why this is happening?

p {
    white-space: nowrap;/* this ruins the layout in the mobile browser */

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2 answers

Out of curiosity, why are you using white-space: nowrap;

there in particular? But anyway, the reason is that since navbar position: fixed;

, it makes 100% the width of the space that is used for the content of the text, so it expands the body tag.

As for why it's not scrolling, this is rather strange, because the fixed attribute is essentially ignored when scrolling down, but stops when scrolling up.

This CSS below has fixed it, although it just truncates the text rather than skipping it.

.jumbotron {
    overflow-x: hidden;


Below is more information about the attribute.


Chrome. Firefox Android.



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