How do I enable an R-wrapped bubble chart engine plugin?

Highcharts Generation Plugin - Requires 3 adjustments to highchart.

  • Including a js resource
  • Option object for motion

  • The data is in an array sequence


There seems to Highcharts

be two main wrappers for R

. Ramnath rCharts

and recently released on CRAN highcharter


So my question is, is it possible to animate a bubble chart over time with the currently available wrappers, and if so, how?

rCharts Attempt 1 Starting with a bubble chart and introducing the 3 required motion parameters:

library(rCharts) # highcharts wrapper hPlot()

# data
df.SO <- data.frame(date = sample(2005:2016, 21, replace = T)
                    , x = rnorm(21, 10, 4)
                    , y = rnorm(21, 150, 4)
                    , z = rbinom(21, 80, .8)
                    , entities = sample(c("entity1","entity2","entity3"), 21, replace = T))

# chart
h1 <- hPlot(  x     = "x"
              , y     = "y"
              , size  = "z"
              , group = "entities"
              , data  = df.SO
              , type  = "bubble")

### Motion Charts plugin ###
## 1. include motion js asset in head
h1$addAssets(jshead = "")

## 2. add motion object
h1$params$motion  <- list(enabled = "true",
                          labels  = unique(sort(df.SO$date)),
                          loop    = "true",
                          series  = 1,
                          updateInterval = 50,
                          magnet  = list(
                              round = "round",
                              step = 0.1))

## 3. sequence data?? Dead end approach??

# view chart - displays bubbles and widget to play animation, but animation fails


rCharts Attempt 2 Restructure the data as sequences, then load it into a chart.

# 3. sequence data - cast data so entities are series and times are unique entries
library(data.table) ## v >= 1.9.6
test <- dcast(setDT(df.SO), date ~ entities, value.var = c("x", "y", "z"))

# chart
h1 <- Highcharts$new()
h1$chart(type = "bubble", height = 300)
    list(name = "entity1",
        data = list(
            sequence = test$x_length_entity1,
            sequence = test$y_length_entity1,
            sequence = test$z_length_entity1
    list(name = "entity2",
         data = list(
             sequence = test$x_length_entity2,
             sequence = test$y_length_entity2,
             sequence = test$z_length_entity2
    ), replace = T)

## 1. include motion js asset in head
h1$addAssets(jshead = "")

## 2. add motion object
h1$params$motion  <- list(enabled = "true",
                          labels  = unique(sort(test$date)),
                          loop    = "true",
                          series  = 1,
                          updateInterval = 50,
                          magnet  = list(
                              round = "round",
                              step = 0.1))

# view chart - this approach doesn't display any bubbles



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3 answers



added plugin to highcharter

. Is the development version (download via devtools

) it needs more testing, but this is a start.

Please check an example at :

  highchart() %>% 
    hc_chart(type = "column") %>% 
    hc_yAxis(max = 6, min = 0) %>% 
    hc_add_series(name = "A", data = c(2,3,4), zIndex = -10) %>% 
    hc_add_series(name = "B",
                  data = list(
                    list(sequence = c(1,2,3,4)),
                    list(sequence = c(3,2,1,3)),
                    list(sequence = c(2,5,4,3))
                  )) %>% 
    hc_add_series(name = "C",
                  data = list(
                    list(sequence = c(3,2,1,3)),
                    list(sequence = c(2,5,4,3)),
                    list(sequence = c(1,2,3,4))
                  )) %>% 
    hc_motion(enabled = TRUE,
              labels = 2000:2003,
              series = c(1,2))


If you find any suspicion (like bugs) please report here:

Hope it helps



Have you considered shiny as a workaround?


server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {

  output$bubblePlot <- renderChart2({

    # data
    df.SO <- data.frame(date = sample(2005:2016, 21, replace = T)
                        , x = rnorm(21, 10, 4)
                        , y = rnorm(21, 150, 4)
                        , z = rbinom(21, 80, .8)
                        , entities = sample(c("entity1","entity2","entity3"), 21, replace = T))

    # filter data based on selected year <- dplyr::filter(df.SO, date == input$date)

    # chart
    h1 <- hPlot(  x     = "x"
                  , y     = "y"
                  , size  = "z"
                  , group = "entities"
                  , data  =
                  , type  = "bubble")
    h1$addParams(dom = "bubbleChart")
    h1$plotOptions(series = list(animation = FALSE))
    h1$xAxis(min = min(df.SO$x), max = max(df.SO$x))
    h1$yAxis(min = min(df.SO$y), max = max(df.SO$y))



ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(

  # Application title
  titlePanel("Highcharts Bubble Motion Chart"),

  # Sidebar with a slider input for the selected year
                  min = 2007,
                  max = 2016,
                  value = 2007,
                  animate = TRUE,
                  sep = "")

    # Show a bubble plot for the selected year
      showOutput("bubblePlot", "highcharts")

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)




Surprisingly, I have not been able to find a single posted example that demonstrates bubble or scatter as a chart type using hc_motion. All examples: bar, column, map, pie.

Anyway, after a fair hit and miss, I managed to get a scatter plot working on the following order. each vector c (1,1) represents the x and y coordinates. I am still trying to get it working with a bubble with no luck. Hoping that someone can post the code snippet for the bubble using hcaes () format.

Bubble would be handy for movement as then you can use Gapminder style charts.


    highchart() %>% 
            hc_chart(type = "scatter") %>% 
            hc_yAxis(max = 6, min = 0) %>% 
            hc_xAxis(max = 6, min = 0) %>%
            hc_add_series(name = "Australia",
                          data = list(
                                  list(sequence = list(c(1,1),c(2,2),c(3,3),c(4,4)))
                          )) %>%
            hc_add_series(name = "United States",
                          data = list(
                                  list(sequence = list(c(0,0),c(3,2),c(4,3),c(4,1)))
                          )) %>%
            hc_add_series(name = "China",
                          data = list(
                                  list(sequence = list(c(3,2),c(2,2),c(1,1),c(2,5)))
                          )) %>% 
            hc_motion(enabled = TRUE,
                      labels = 2000:2003,
                      series = c(0,1,2))




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