Redshift SQL Window frame_clause function with days

I am trying to execute a window function on a dataset in Redshift using days and spacing for previous rows. Sample data:

date        ID      score
3/1/2017    123     1
3/1/2017    555     1
3/2/2017    123     1
3/3/2017    555     3
3/5/2017    555     2


SQL window function to evaluate avg from last 3 points:

      avg(score) over 
         (partition by id order by date rows 
              between preceding 3 and 
                      current row) LAST_3_SCORES_AVG,



date        ID      LAST_3_SCORES_AVG
3/1/2017    123     1
3/1/2017    555     1
3/2/2017    123     1
3/3/2017    555     2
3/5/2017    555     2


The problem is I need a GPA from the last 3 DAYS (moving average) and not the last three tests . I have navigated to Redshift and Postgre Documentation and cannot find a way to do this.

Desired output:

date        ID      3_DAY_AVG
3/1/2017    123     1
3/1/2017    555     1
3/2/2017    123     1
3/3/2017    555     2
3/5/2017    555     2.5


Any direction will be highly appreciated.


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1 answer

You can use lag()

and explicitly calculate the average.

select t.*,
       (score +
        (case when lag(date, 1) over (partition by id order by date) >=
                   date - interval '2 day'
              then lag(score, 1) over (partition by id order by date)
              else 0
         end) +
        (case when lag(date, 2) over (partition by id order by date) >=
                   date - interval '2 day'
              then lag(score, 2) over (partition by id order by date)
              else 0
       ) /
       (1 +
        (case when lag(date, 1) over (partition by id order by date) >=
                   date - interval '2 day'
              then 1
              else 0
         end) +
        (case when lag(date, 2) over (partition by id order by date) >=
                   date - interval '2 day'
              then 1
              else 0
from dataset t;




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