Amazon Alexa Skill Link with Multiple External Service Accounts

Can my Amazon Alexa Skill be linked to two external services?
I want to combine data from both of them, but I need to use two different access tokens.
Can I get them using Alexa Account Linking?


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1 answer

Until now, Alexa Account Linking only allows you to specify one login page and one access token.

A possible solution is to have both external authentication services on the login page. For example: firstly, the user sees a screen with the Google login option, then the redirect shows a page with the Facebook login option, and then exits. However, this can be a bad user experience.

To keep both access tokens, you can:

1) have a database to bind userId

or access_token

with its tokens

2) create one single token with both access tokens using jwt

Another solution is to have your own service authentication system and have a web page that the user can get to authenticate their external services. This way a user creates a user / password on your system, you provide a token, then it will access your page, login with its user / password, and authenticate to external services. Then, on your backend, you will get a custom token, link its account, and access and aggregate data.

Unfortunately, the only possibilities so far are workarounds.

Hope it helps.



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