In-App-Purchase Sandbox Test - Purchase not supported in your area

I am developing an application for Ukrainian people with In-App-Purchase. When I add a sandbox tester with Ukraine location and try to buy, I get this warning .

If I use another place, Russia, for example, that's fine. My application is for the Ukrainian people, and it worries me.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?


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2 answers

Apple is an American company and is therefore prohibited from conducting business transactions with the Crimean region of Ukraine under Executive Order 13685 section 1 (a) (iii)

(iii) export, re-export, sale or delivery, directly or indirectly, from the United States or a United States person, wherever they are, any goods, services or technologies to the Crimean region of Ukraine;

I suspect that since you are not entering an address but only a store, when you create a sandbox user, they don't know which region you are in and by default they block the purchase. In production, the user has a registered address that allows Apple to block purchases more selectively.

It looks like you will need to complete testing with a user from another store.



You need to create a sandbox tester linked to a non-Ukrainian iTunes Store. Something like that: enter image description here

Many thanks to Mike form Cherrypie Studio



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