Can't add team ID in Firebase project settings

I am trying to add dynamic links to my application and I am following this tutorial:

At about 3:20 am he explains how to add the team ID in the project settings, but for me this option is simply missing. I checked all my projects and none of them have this option in project settings. This is a problem as dynamic links do not work without it as I have seen people with the same problem as me (this was solved by adding the command ID they forgot).

Is there some kind of solution to this?

I am working on an iOS project and my location is Sweden if that matters in any way.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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5 answers

I solved this by adding the command ID to the Application ID field .

Seems to work exactly the same.



Yes, the prefix is ​​the command identifier. You can go to the Apple Developer Keys page, then select an application and see the prefix.

enter image description here



The app ID prefix field has now been changed to Team ID. In my case, only the Team ID setting did not work.

I found that push notification certificates do not have an app id and fixing that issue resolved the issue.



In my case it tried again and it just worked without any changes



In my case, it tried again and the command ID was automatically detected, just fill in the Key ID and download the .p8 file

