PayPal Express Checking Integration with Multiple Buttons on One Page

I currently have a list of items with a Paypal button associated with each one. Each item will be purchased separately by clicking on the corresponding button.

    <li data-id="1">Item 1 <div class="paypal-button"></div></li>
    <li data-id="2">Item 2 <div class="paypal-button"></div></li>
    <li data-id="3">Item 3 <div class="paypal-button"></div></li>

<script src=""></script>

        // options
    }, '.paypal-button');


Unfortunately, it seems like it paypal.Button.render()

will only display the first item it finds.

Is it possible to make this call for multiple items?


source to share

2 answers

You need to give each element a unique ID and then call render multiple times:

    <li data-id="1">Item 1 <div id="button-1"></div></li>
    <li data-id="2">Item 2 <div id="button-2"></div></li>
    <li data-id="3">Item 3 <div id="button-3"></div></li>

<script src=""></script>

    [ '#button-1', '#button-2', '#button-3' ].forEach(function(selector) {
            // options
        }, selector);




If you don't like keeping track of IDs like me, you can use classes instead. And use data attributes for differentiation.

<div class="paypal-button" data-my-attribute="tree"></div>
<div class="paypal-button" data-my-attribute="dog"></div>
<div class="paypal-button" data-my-attribute="car"></div>

<script src=""></script>

    document.querySelectorAll('.paypal-button').forEach(function(selector) {
            // options
            console.log( selector.dataset.myAttribute );
        }, selector);




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