Can't use camelCase property name when defining and using Vue.config.keyCodes

Can't use camelCase property name when defining and using Vue.config.keyCodes

I am trying to set up keyCodes for a keyup

Using event v-on

from Vue.js.
I read the documentation and found Vue.config.keyCodes = {}

which is a static method. User can set custom names for keyCodes.

Problem 1: camelCase property name doesn't work.

below is a JSFiddle without camelCase and it works well.

Ref: no camelCase config

below is a JSFiddle with camelCase and it doesn't work.

Ref: with camelCase config

CamelCase example in Vue.js. I think camelCase should work too. why is it not working?

Problem 2: binding multiple keycodes

I want to contribute Alert

when typing cmd

+ enter

I've tried @keyup.91.13

, @keyup.91&&13

or the keyCode config like

Vue.config.keyCodes = {
    hit: 91&&13


but that won't work. How can I make this work correctly?


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2 answers

Problem 1:

I believe only by design. I thought it .call-alert

might work, but it doesn't. I think modifiers are limited to all lowercase letters.

Problem 2:

Since command

- this is a modifier key you can do:



You can find more details on this here:



Problem 2: binding multiple keycodes

Better to use ".meta" because "keyup = 91" does not work for Opera (its "keyup = 219", not 91).


(But I don't know why this doesn't work for me on Ubuntu)

Note. On Macintosh keyboards, meta is the command key (⌘). On Windows keyboard, meta is the window key (⊞). On Sun Microsystems keyboards, meta is referred to as a hard diamond (◆). On some keyboards, notably MIT and Lisp machine keyboards and successors such as the Knight Keyboard, the space course keyboard, the meta is labeled "META". On the Symbolics keys, meta are referred to as "META" or "Meta".



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