How do I remove all issues in Bitbucket?

I ran into a "bitbucket problem". I made a package that connects bitbucket and trello, but now I'm having more problems. However, how can I remove all the issues listed in my repo without editing them separately?


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1 answer

You can just import a zip archive with a JSON file named db-1.0.json

like this:

    "milestones": [],
    "attachments": [],
    "versions": [],
    "comments": [],
    "meta": {
        "default_milestone": null,
        "default_assignee": null,
        "default_kind": "bug",
        "default_component": null,
        "default_version": null
    "components": [],
    "issues": [],
    "logs": []


For an import archive, go to Your Repository -> Settings -> Problem -> Import and Export .



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