Web application on IBM Bluemix

We want to deploy an existing application to IBM Bluemix. Using the Python command line, we pushed the application in IBM Bluemix, but when deploying it to IBM, it won't work. It gives the following errors:

Container creation successfully created container Loading application package ... Downloaded application package (1.5K) Staging ... Downloaded assembly artifact caching (31.3M) None of the builders found a compatible application Exit state 222 Failed to complete step: Exit status 222 Destroying a container

FAILED Error while restarting the application: NoAppDetectedError TIP: Buildpacks are detected when "cf push" is executed from the directory containing the application source code.

Use 'cf buildpacks' to see a list of supported buildpacks.

Use 'cf logs glucose_tracker_monitor --recent' for deeper log information.

Finished: FAILED

I don't know what to do after that. Can anyone help me with these errors?


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1 answer

The message "None of the builders find a compatible application" means that none of the build packages installed on Bluemix recognized your project as a project that they can run.

In the Bluemix documentation for Python buildpack, your application must include either a "setup.py" or a "requirements.txt" file for this buildpack to "detect" your application as something it can run.

The "requirements.txt" file is used to specify the package packages to install for your application. For example, see the requirements.txt file in the "get-started-python" project in the "IBM-Bluemix" GitHub repository.

Your application should also contain a file named "Procfile" that tells how buildpack should run your application.

Example "Procfile":

web: python hello.py


This will cause buildpack to execute the command python hello.py

when the application starts.



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