C # method call with parameter from JS xamarin

I tried to call a C # method from JS with arguments, but I have an error.

I am using Xamarin Android (not Xamarin.Forms)

C # code:

public Java.Lang.String Test(Java.Lang.String hello)
    return hello;


JS code:

var foo = GameBridge.test('foo');


Mistake: System.InvalidOperationException: Specified managed method 'Test' was not found. Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;

Error screenshot


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1 answer

The problem is the return type of the C # method. It works well with a return type like "void". Below code works for me.

public void Test(string hello)
    //to do work


I'm also looking for handling return types in Export / JavascriptInterface.



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