Moving Files to Docker Data Volume

First, I create the volume:

docker volume create --name some-volume

Then I create a file touch ~/somefile.txt

Now I want to move ~/somefile.txt

to the root of the volume some-volume

. How to do it?


source to share

1 answer

You can do it with a container:

docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/source -v some-volume:/target \
  busybox cp -av /source/somefile.txt /target/somefile.txt


I also use tar and stdin to connect files to a remote volume via a docker client / server connection:

tar -cv -C source-dir . | \
  docker run --rm -i -v some-volume:/target busybox tar -xC /target


The export is similar:

docker run --rm -v some-volume:/source busybox tar -cC /source . | \
  tar -xC target-dir




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