Mongoose selects, fills and stores behavior differently on Mac and Windows
This is what i did
static populateReferralLinks(){
return Promise.coroutine(function*(){
let companies = yield Company.find({},'billing referral current_referral_program')
.populate('billing.user','emails name');
for(let i = 0 ; i < length ; i++){
companies[i].referral.is_created = true;
companies[i].referral.referral_email = companies[i].billing.user.emails[0].email;
companies[i] = yield companies[i].save();
return companies;
.catch((err) => {
throw err;
I have a funciton in which I only select 3 fields to go ahead with ie billing, current_referral_program and referral. And the filling user using the link stored in billing.user. Now when I call this function then on the line
<strong> companies [I] .save ();
The following command is displayed in terminal in windows
Mongoose: companies.update(
{ _id: ObjectId("58d12e1a588a96311075c45c") },
{ '$set':
{ billing:
{ configured: false,
user: ObjectId("58d12e16588a96311075c45a") },
{ is_created: true,
referral_email: '',
updatedAt: new Date("Wed, 22 Mar 2017 12:02:55 GMT")
But in Mac terminal it shows this command
Mongoose: companies.update({ _id: ObjectId("58d12e1a588a96311075c45c") }) { '$set': { billing: { configured: false, user: ObjectId("58d12e16588a96311075c45a") }, current_limit: {}, current_usage: {},referral: { is_created: true, referral_email: ''}}, '$unset': { updatedAt: 1 } }
Now, I didn't mention that current_limit and current_usage are empty. it works fine on Windows, but on Mac it sets current_limit and current_usage to empty, thus updating my document with empty objects on Mac, but not on windows.
It should behave the same on both OS, but it doesn't.
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