How do I use Ansible command with items?

I want to set up my Ansible game to copy some lines from my file /etc/hosts

to a temporary file. It should be easy to do:

gather_facts: False
  - command: grep {{ item }} /etc/hosts >> /tmp/hosts_to_backup
      - web
      - database


I would have thought it would work, but I am getting the error:

TypeError: string pointers must be integer, not str

I know Ansible is picky about unquoted parentheses, so I put double quotes throughout the command line, but I still get the error.

- command: "grep {{ item }} /etc/hosts >> /tmp/hosts_to_backup"



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1 answer

I have no idea why you are getting the error you are claiming (it might be OS related if your system returns a strange Ansible error message).

Of course, you cannot use file redirection with a module command

. You need to use a module instead shell

, so replace your action with:

- shell: grep {{ item }} /etc/hosts >> /tmp/hosts_to_backup


Also, your task has no problem with with_items

. For the game, no -


The following code works:

- hosts:
  gather_facts: False
    - shell: grep {{ item }} /etc/hosts >> /tmp/hosts_to_backup
        - web
        - database




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