Where is the class diagram in Visual Studio 2017 edition

I couldn't find how to create existing class diagrams in VS2017 Community Edition. Is it available for Community Editions. Could you please help me how to create class diagrams of the project?


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4 answers

The public version doesn't allow you to do this.

Support for VS 2015 versions for architecture and modeling tools



I'm assuming you mean class diagrams and not UML diagrams. Starting in Visual Studio 2017, class diagram support is not installed by default. You must explicitly select it during installation:

  1. From the start menu, launch the Visual Studio installer .
  2. Click the Change button for your installation.
  3. Click the Individual Components tab, scroll down and select Class Designer . Click the Change button.

The complete procedure with screenshots is described here (since our product VSdocman also uses this function if you want to generate class documentation with diagrams).



I was under the impression that you are not talking about the UML diagram feature that has indeed been removed. I am assuming you are talking about a class diagram .

First of all, as Peter pointed out , make sure this feature is installed on your system.

Then as answered here this is a known issue ( VOTE! )

As a workaround: in the New File dialog, create a simple XML file named Diagram.cd

(replace Diagram

with your choice), right-click the file and select Open with ..., then select XML (Text) Editor and then replace its content. with the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ClassDiagram MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1">
  <Font Name="Segoe UI" Size="9" />


Then close the file and save it. When you open it normally, it should work now.



Apparently Microsoft has decided not to add this functionality to Visual Studio 2017 for any of the product versions blogs.msdn.microsoft.com



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