Vue instance using classes

I am new to Vue and have a few questions. But I think the problem I am working with is such that I have no idea how to solve it:

I have several <div class="foo">

in my code. I want to interact with these <div>

using a Vue instance. I got the idea to use something like:

var app = new Vue({
  el: '',
  data: {
    message: 'bar'


Hence, all elements

can be controlled with app

. But how can I get EXACTLY the item I'm working with?

Let's say in JQuery we have this ...

$("").click(function() {


The code will work for everyone

, but printing will only show the clicked item.


source to share

2 answers

You cannot do what you suggest, but you can create a new Vue for every element that matches your selector.

Each of them will contain its own state.

const vues = document.querySelectorAll(".app");, (el, index) => new Vue({el, data:{message: "hello " + index}}))


An example .

If you need general condition,

const vues = document.querySelectorAll(".app");
const each = Array.prototype.forEach;
const data = {
  message: "hello world"
};, (el, index) => new Vue({el, data}))


At this point, you can do something like data.message = "new value"

and all Vues will change.

Example 2 .

It's just me playing around. You might just be able to create one Vue and manage all of your foo




Also, if you want to access html from js / ts files, you can use vue ref system.


<div ref="example">example</div>



var myExampleDiv = this.$refs.example;


or if you are using typescript


const myExampleDiv = this.$refs.example as HTMLElement;


For more information on this:



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