Is there a good way to handle private static fields in a generic type in C #?

I am trying to figure out a way that I can use fields private


in general class

. This is the obvious way to do it ( fiddle ). It won't compile because it is Field

not available in BaseChild

, and ideally I would not want it to be available there:

public class Base<T>
    private static readonly string Field = "field";

    public Base()

public class BaseChild : Base<string>
    public BaseChild()


The problem with this solution is that there is a different one for each generic type Field

and not a common one.

I saw this answer where it says that JetBrains recommends a field solution static

for generic types:

If you need to have a static field shared between instances with different generating arguments, define a base class that is not shared to hold your static members, and then set your type to a generic type of that type.

This makes sense for the case when you have tags public

or protected


in a class base

that you want to pass through any child class

, like this example ( fiddle ):

public abstract class Base
    protected static readonly string Field = "field";

public class Base<T> : Base
    public Base()

public class BaseChild : Base<string>
    public BaseChild()


However, what about a case where you want to use a field private


? I would guess that this is not possible, since it private

means only available for class

which it declared, and I think that since the generic class

is really just a template to create class

, then any private

field could only be accessible to everyone class

, but not to all classes created template.

Should I just put the field private

in a generic class (example 1) and accept it as at least a workable solution for what I want, or is there another way I can do this?


source to share

3 answers

This is what I came up with, I think it actually does what I want, better than the original example I asked in my question. It shares one static field for all generic types, and it is not accessible to children of the base class Base.

public static class Base
    private static string Field = "field";

    public class Base2<T>
        public Base2()
            // Field is accessible here, but is the same across all generic classes

public class BaseChild : Base.Base2<string>
    public BaseChild()
        //Field is not accessible here, and I don't really want it to be




First, private

it does exactly what it did: to restrict access to only the type in which it was declared. Be aware that instances of a generic type are different types. You shouldn't get around this.

If I understand your question correctly, you can accomplish what you want using protected

with an additional level of inheritance:

class EvenMoreBase
    protected static readonly string Field = "field";

class Base<T> : EvenMoreBase
    public Base()

class BaseChild : Base<string>
    public BaseChild()


Now each of yours Base<T>

will have the same instance Field




You are correct in your thoughts on private

the base class. Whether it is static or not makes no difference.

Here's a small example:

using System;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        Bar b = new Bar(); // Prints "Foo"
        // Console.WriteLine(Foo.BaseField); // Compile error

public class Foo 
    protected static readonly string BaseeField = "Foo";

public class Bar : Foo
    public Bar()


Protected labeling is useful if you want only your children to be able to access it. And leave it static

to how to keep only one instance for all children of the base class Foo




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