Google Cloud Features Can't Deploy

I am following the tutorial for google cloud features. Trying to expand the hello world from the command line returns

ERROR: (gcloud.beta.functions.deploy) for the [locationsId] field for the [cloudfunctions.projects.locations] collection is required but not provided

deployment team

gcloud beta functions deploy helloWorld --stage-bucket shopping-functions --trigger-topic hello_world



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4 answers

As @jdabello said , I applied a parameter --region

to my command and it solves the problem like this:

gcloud beta functions deploy helloWorld --stage-bucket your-bucket --trigger-topic hello_world --region=us-central1


Or you can set your functions / scope to default with gcloud config set

and you can skip setting the function scope every time.

gcloud config set functions/region us-central1




It seems to me that you do not have a proper project?

Have you created a project from which you want to use your cloud function? You can watch it by clicking gcloud info

. You can also try reinitializing your environment with gcloud init


Let me know if it helps!



Have you deployed any functionality using the "firebase deploy" command? I had the same problem until I switched all my functionality to gcloud or firebase. They don't seem to be playing together yet.



Be sure to include a region for your function. You can add the -region flag to override the default function / scope property value for this command.



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