Angular 2 - fetching data from local json to populate dropdown

I have created an Angular 2 service that reads local json using http (might later be a call to rest service) and returns an Observable.

   export class WorkflowDataService {
   constructor(private http: Http) { }
   getProcessTemplates(): Observable<Response> {
       return this.http.get("/assets/jsons/process-templates.json");


the readable json looks like this:

"process-templates": [
        "name": "ABC",
        "desc": "ABC"
        "name": "XYZ",
        "desc": "XYZ"
        "name": "PQR",
        "desc": "PQR"


My goal is to show the values โ€‹โ€‹of the name attributes in the dropdown. So, the dropdown menu should have - ABC, XYZ, PQR.

So, in my component, I am calling this service -

processTemplates: Observable<Response>; 
ngOnInit( ) {
     .subscribe(function(response) {
       this.processTemplates = response.json();


In console.log I see the below output

JSON output

how can i get the result in a format that can be displayed in the dropdown

<select class="form-control dropdown" (ngModel)="processTemplate" 
                name="processTemplate" id="processTemplate" required>
              <option *ngFor="let processTemplate of processTemplates">
                {{ }}



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2 answers

Your JSON contains an array inside an object, so you need to extract an array from an object process-templates

. Made other changes function

too , instead of strong arrow syntax instead , so you won't lose context this


selectedT: any;

getProcessTemplates(): Observable<Response> {
   return this.http.get("/assets/jsons/process-templates.json")
     // extract array from process-templates object
     .map(res => res.json().process-templates) 


Then, in your component, sign:

  .subscribe(data => {
    this.processTemplates = data;


And for your template, do as John said:

<select [(ngModel)]="selectedTemplate"> 
  <option *ngFor="let processTemplate of processTemplates">{{}}</option>




From a similar question: Linking select element for object in Angular 2

<select [(ngModel)]="selectedTemplate"> // use banana in a box syntax:[()]
  <option *ngFor="let processTemplate of processTemplates" [ngValue]="processTemplate">{{}}</option>


Besides. You have different possibilities for this method inside the init method. This will help solve Chaning for the lambda function. And as @ AJT_82 mention, extract the object inside your json

ngOnInit( ) {
     .subscribe(response => { //removed function, added =>
       this.processTemplates = response.json().process-templates; //extract json




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