How to deploy elasticsearch in predix?

I am trying to deploy elasticsearch in predix, I tried to pull the downloaded elasticsearch folder in predix with the following manifest.

- name: elastic-search-test3
  buildpack: java_buildpack
  # path: target/elstic-search-test-1.0.0.jar
  command: elasticsearch-5.2.2/bin/elasticsearch -f
  #timeout : 180


I am getting an error as the port should not be hardcoded, $ PORT should be used.

then i tried to set for port and host elasticsearch config as follows

http.port: ${VCAP_APP_PORT} ${VCAP_APP_HOST}


but no luck.

Can anyone point out a solution for deploying elasticsearch in predix?


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1 answer

You should use the CF_INSTANCE_ * variables instead of the depreciated VCAP_APP_ * DEA versions for newer CF versions.

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