SQL statement does not select

I am using SQL Server in a C # project for a troubleshooter and I have a table containing ID, Question, QuestionId, Solution and Rank. I want you to have several solutions to a problem, and the program will choose the best ranked solution, which is chosen only by the largest number, which increases each time it is correct. For this I have the following SQL statement:

sql = "SELECT Solution FROM dbo.Questions WHERE Rank=(SELECT MAX(Rank) FROM 
dbo.Questions) AND QuestionId =" + questionId;


When I only had one solution it worked fine, but when I have multiple solutions it doesn't.


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6 answers

You need to parameterize your queries correctly. Bobby Tables: A Guide to Preventing SQL Injection

sql = "SELECT Solution FROM dbo.Questions q WHERE Rank=(SELECT MAX(Rank) FROM 
dbo.Questions i where i.QuestionId = q.QuestionId) AND q.QuestionId =" + questionId;


This ensures that the max(rank)

subquery returned is the max(rank)

solution for QuestionId

which you are querying.

You can also do this if you only want one Solution


select top 1 Solution 
from dbo.Questions q 
where QuestionId = @QuestionId
order by [Rank] desc




You choose the maximum rank of all solutions and look for a solution to the question asked with that rank.

Start at the beginning - select possible solutions in CTE

with solutions as(
   SELECT Solution, Rank FROM dbo.Questions WHERE QuestionId = @questionId
... more to come


Considering that you can use the ranking function to rank all possible solutions by rank and choose the one with the best rank (too many ranks in this proposal!)

with solutions as(
   SELECT Solution, Rank() OVER (ORDER BY Rank DESC) as rank 
   FROM dbo.Questions WHERE QuestionId = @questionId
SELECT * FROM solutions WHERE rank = 1


This does not cover 2 solutions with equal rank - you will get 2 query results if 2 have the same rank. Two solutions are out there - consider using both.

  • Select the tiebreaker column - probably the most recent one - by adding a second column to ORDER BY

    ( ...RANK() OVER (ORDER BY rank DESC, CreatedDate DESC

  • Throw TOP 1

    in the final selection ( SELECT TOP 1 * FROM solutions WHERE rank = 1



The record has a MAX rank, it may not have the question you specified in the AND argument QuestionId = "+ questionId;



You can try this, I left the where clause outside the CTE query so that you can also use the query to get a complete list of each question with the highest rank (unless you specify the questionId filter):

    with [ctreMaxSolution] as
        select  [QuestionId]
              , max([Rank]) as [Rank]
        from    [dbo].[Questions]
        group by [QuestionId]
    select  *
    from    [dbo].[Questions] as [q]
            inner join [cteMaxSolution] as [cms] on [q].[QuestionId] = [cms].[QuestionId]
                                                and [q].[Rank] = [cms].[Rank]
    where [q].[QuestionId] = @questionId;


I used a SQL Server variable there, but you can make a stored procedure out of it, or convert it into a custom query like in your question, completely for you.



First create filter "questionId" and then "order By" rank.

try this:

SELECT TOP 1 q.solution FROM dbo.Questions q WHERE q.QuestionId = @QuestionId
ORDER BY q.Rank desc


Hope for this help!



Please modify your request as shown below.

sql = "SELECT Solution FROM dbo.Questions WHERE Rank in (SELECT MAX(Rank) FROM 
dbo.Questions) AND QuestionId =" + questionId;


Here I changed where rank is "in" instead of "="



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