Using apache Shiro with Spring MVC non xml project

I have a project where I am using Spring mvc 4 and I need to enable apache siro security there. I tried to search online for a solution for my problem, but I was unable to pay anything. Although the Shiro website has a manual, but this example is only for a Spring project configured for xml, and my project does not contain any xml at all, and when I try to configure Shiro with annotation, it only fails. When I run this project, I have access to all my endpoints and they are not restricted by Shiro. I am assuming my configuration is wrong, but I cannot figure out which part is wrong. I am not allowed to use Spring boot (I know there are examples for this). here is my config class:

@ComponentScan(basePackages = "")
public class AppConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter{

public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {

public ShiroFilterFactoryBean shiroFilter (){
    ShiroFilterFactoryBean shiroFilter = new ShiroFilterFactoryBean();
    return shiroFilter;

private DefaultWebSecurityManager realm(){
    DefaultWebSecurityManager realm = new DefaultWebSecurityManager();
    return realm;


thanks in advance!


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1 answer

Take a look at version 1.4.0 (RC2). Updated support for Spring and Spring-Boot.

And examples in the source tree:



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