Random coefficients in arrays

Ok, so let's say I store some of my data, for example

var thisList = {
        {"name":"Item1", "image":"/img/item1", "chance":0.25},
        {"name":"Item2", "image":"/img/item2", "chance":0.25},
        {"name":"Item3", "image":"/img/item3", "chance":0.50}


Now I would like to create a function that randomly selects an item from this list, the chances of which are 25% of getting [0], another 25% of getting [1] and 50% of getting [2]

Is it possible? If so, how would I do it?



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3 answers

In fact, you can reproduce it like this: tou generates a number between 0 and 100, and then you loop through each element and add up the ability to check if it is in between the value or not:

var thisList = {
        {"name":"Item1", "image":"/img/item1", "chance":0.25},
        {"name":"Item2", "image":"/img/item2", "chance":0.25},
        {"name":"Item3", "image":"/img/item3", "chance":0.50}

function getRandom(){
  var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
  console.log("The number is: " + rnd);
  var counter = 0;
    counter += thisList.items[i].chance * 100;
    if(counter > rnd){


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If you want to control even with the likelihood of a variant, you can do this:

var thisList = {
        {"name":"Item1", "image":"/img/item1", "chance":0.25},
        {"name":"Item2", "image":"/img/item2", "chance":0.25},
        {"name":"Item3", "image":"/img/item3", "chance":0.50}

function getRandom(){
  var sum = 0;
    sum += thisList.items[i].chance;
  var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * (sum * 100));
  console.log("The number is: " + rnd);
  var counter = 0;
    counter += thisList.items[i].chance * 100;
    if(counter > rnd){


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You need to look at the cumulative sum of all the coefficients observed so far in the array. With the sample data you gave these values ​​would be 0.25, 0.5, 1.0

Then, by specifying a random number in the range [0, 1), simply select the first record where the cumulative value is less than that number.

Here's an example implementation:

const pickRandom = (() => {
    let target = Math.random(), total = 0.0;
    return (e, i, a) => {
        total += e.chance;
        return target < total;

let picked = thisList.items.find(pickRandom());


The function pickRandom

must be called exactly once per round and returns a function that encapsulates the state needed to accumulate the odds obtained so far and the random number to be used.

This function then becomes a predicate used Array.prototype.find

to retrieve the corresponding random element.



You can create a new array with the same element repeated for more time equal to 100. I am trying to explain with an example (and comments in the code):

var thisList = {
        {"name":"Item1", "image":"/img/item1", "chance":0.25},
        {"name":"Item2", "image":"/img/item2", "chance":0.25},
        {"name":"Item3", "image":"/img/item3", "chance":0.50}

//Create an array balanced to 100
var balancedArray = new Array();
for(var i = 0; i < thisList.items.length; i++){
  for(var j = 0; j < thisList.items[i].chance * 100; j++){ 

console.log("New array should contains 100 elements: " + balancedArray.length);

//Get a random index from 1 to 100
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1;
console.log("Random index: " + randomIndex);

//Finally get relative item (Arrays is zero-index, so decrement index)
console.log("Random item is: " + balancedArray[randomIndex-1]);

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Hope this helps you. Bye.



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