Find if every line is repeated in Matlab or not

I have a matrix A

in Matlab of dimension MXN

. I want to create a vector of B

dimension Mx1

where B(i)=1

if is A(i,:)

never repeated A

more than once and 0


for example

A=[1 2 3;
   4 5 6; 
   1 2 3;
   7 8 9];



This code

C=[vu n]


helps to find the number of occurrences of a string. Hence, by adding a loop, for example, I should be able C

to get B

at will. However, in my actual case it is M

very large (80,000). Is there anything faster that I could use?


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1 answer

The problem with your code is that the second output unique

only returns the first occurrence of each unique value, while the third output returns an array of indices on the first output that matches the input. None of them can directly get what you want. If you combine them, you can get what you want.

[~, a, b] = unique(A, 'rows');
B = accumarray(a(b), 1, [size(A, 1), 1]) == 1;


Another alternative is to use the second exit ismember

with the option 'rows'

to find the indexes of the shared rows. Then you can use accumarray

to determine how many times the string is repeated and compare the result with1

[~, bi] = ismember(A, A, 'rows');
B = accumarray(bi, 1, [size(A, 1), 1]) == 1;


In a simple test, the using option unique

tends to give better results

function comparison()

    nRows = round(linspace(100, 100000, 30));

    times1 = nan(size(nRows));
    times2 = nan(size(nRows));

    for k = 1:numel(nRows)
        A = randi(10, nRows(k), 4);
        times1(k) = timeit(@()option1(A));
        times2(k) = timeit(@()option2(A));

    p(1) = plot(nRows, times1 * 1000, 'DisplayName', 'unique');
    hold on
    p(2) = plot(nRows, times2 * 1000, 'DisplayName', 'ismember');
    ylabel('Execution time (ms)')
    xlabel('Rows in A')

function B = option1(A)
    [~, a, b] = unique(A, 'rows');
    B = accumarray(a(b), 1, [size(A, 1), 1]) == 1;

function B = option2(A)
    [~, bi] = ismember(A, A, 'rows');
    B = accumarray(bi, 1, [size(A, 1), 1]) == 1;


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